VETIT: VET-Business Cooperation Structures in the IT Sector (KA3: Joint Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training)


The aim of project “VETIT” is the development of new, sustainable cooperation structures on WBL and apprenticeships in the IT sector, through capacity building, the transfer of knowledge and the exchange of practices and experiences from pioneer countries in the field to less experienced, through the establishment of a partnership consisting of local authorities, VET providers and IT SMEs from Denmark, the UK and Greece, as well as sectoral/professional organizations as associated partners.


  1. Bridge the gap between the worlds of education and business.
  2. Establish a highly competitive partnership
  3. Involve directly ICT-oriented “business and social partners in the design and delivery of VET and to ensure a strong work-based learning element in VET
  4. Focus on the regional and local dimension


In response to challenges above, VETIT develops IT sector-tailored cooperation structures on WBL and apprenticeships,
through the fulfill of the following activities:

  1. Development of WBL & apprenticeships model, tailored to the ICT-sector skills needs
  2. WBL Matchmaking tool, in order to match the right trainees with the right companies
  3. Capacity building on WBL & apprenticeships for the IT sector, targeted to VET trainers and IT company mentors
  4. VETIT Working Groups, for knowledge transfer and exchange of experiences
  5. Establishment and operation of apprenticeship intermediary networks of IT companies and VET providers
  6. Virtual cooperation structure for WBL
  7. Study visits for knowledge transfer and exchange of experiences

The VETIT project:

  1. Will provide concrete evidence for policy reform
  2. Will act as a policy ambassador-entrepreneur

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise