SURVIVE: Surviving The Storm: Identifying & Linking Internal Capabilities with Business Continuity (KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices)


The project is going to perform study visits on leading SMEs to investigate their structure and exchange practices, study visits to SURVIVORs SMEs in partner countries affected by the crisis (GR, SP, PT) and collect the material necessary to create a training programme as a roadmap to success. A powerful tool will be created as a platform for further development, connection of executives between SMEs, exchange of practices and a flexible learning program that will link the specific needs of SMEs (which will derive from the desk and field research) in terms of internal capabilities, with the training offered, in a way that will allow effective use of resources (people/time) and connect learning with business results.


  1. The creation of a powerful tool & a flexible training program that will manage to
    link the market needs with the training offered, in a way that will allow effective use of
    resources (people, time) &clear connection of training with business results.


  1. To gather the existing examples, good practices and expertise, available in each participating country and prepare them for the
    experience share to carry out methodological as “Capacity building” and “Common learning and training”.
  2. To organise 7 Transnational Project Meetings (TPM)
  3. To organise the respective exchange and trainings
  4. To realise the agreed communication, dissemination activities and measures
  5. To organise regional and local activities to promote the project across target groups to involve relevant stakeholders as direct
    or indirect project beneficiaries with dissemination activities for each partner in press, social media etc (as an obligation of the
  6. To contribute to the evaluation and reporting process, i.e. most of all by a proper and sound reporting


  1. Seven (7) Short-term joint staff training events will be organized in partners’ countries (Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Spain), where
    2 Staff members from each partner will participate to the training activities.

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise