IN-TEAM - Enhancing the pedagogical skills of teachers/trainers of adult learning through mastering innovative teaching methods - Gruntvig Learning Partnerships


The aging European population and the ever faster changing social and economic environment require that adults continue to learn during their whole lives. The specifics of adult trainees and their way of learning require different, interactive and innovative approach to training in order to maximise the results of the training.

The "Enhancing the pedagogical skills of teachers/trainers of adult learning (AL) through mastering innovative teaching methods" (IN-TEAM) project aims at improving the quality of adult learning by creating a partnership of 9 educational and training organizations from 9 different countries across Europe with different background, experience and focus, but all active in the field of adult training.  

During the two years of the project the partners will exchange know-how and best practices in applying innovative training methods. At the end of the project every partner will be able to apply at least 10 new innovative instruments of passing knowledge to adults, which will increase the quality and the results of the AL provided by it.

Every partner will customize the training methods to their own needs and their environment and will continue to pass on the new knowledge in their own country. At European level the partnership will provide a platform for cooperation and exchange of best practices and ideas among different European countries with different cultures and work styles. Among the project results there will be a DVD and a web site summarizing the theory and practice in applying these training methods, which will enable the further dissemination of the knowledge and best practices gathered during the project throughout Europe. The partners will pay particular attention to the dissemination phase in order to ensure the sustainability of the project results.

  • Kick off seminar - presentations of every partner organisation, work plan with distribution of responsibilities, needs analysis, meeting minutes of the kick off meeting.
  • List of the selected ten teaching methods based on the needs analysis, evaluation questionnaires for evaluating the course and content of workshops, an online platform for mutual cooperation and communication, certificates of attendance of workshops
  • 4 Workshops: presenting and practising the modern teaching methods and sharing experience and best practices among the partners at the workshops
  • Simulation games – where every hosting institution during a workshop will present its methods and other participants/partners will be like students.
  • Final seminar - Meeting minutes of the final seminar, evaluation form regarding the course of the whole project
  • Dissemination: A DVD with the materials produced during the project (presentations, videos of the teaching methods, questionnaires, photos).
  • Updated web site in English
  • Project materials published on the official web sites of each partner in their native languages

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise