The All.Construction Blueprint – Skills Blueprint for the Construction Industry (KA2 Strategic Partnership for Adult Education- Exchanges of Practices - Sector Skills Alliances)


The Project Blueprint for the Construction Industry gathers 24 partners from twelve EU countries to work together for developing a new sectorial strategic approach to cooperate on skills in the construction industry, and support a better matching between skill needs of companies and skills provided by training centers. Blueprint will serve its role by getting the main market players that are being involved (Education – Business – Government – Cultural/ civil society) to take up opportunities so as to make the best of their talents. This way, they will constitute together along with the partnership, the Sector Skills Alliance, the necessary mechanism to create a sustainable sectorial strategy as well as achieve Blueprint implantation.


  1. Developing a common methodology for the assessment of the current situation and to anticipate future needs, through identification of existing and emerging skills needs.
  2. Creating a ‘WatchTower’ integrated by specific actions, activities and tools that allow for anticipation and matching of skills supply and demands.
  3. Identifying, documenting and promoting concrete examples of national/regional policies and initiatives dealing with skills shortages and mismatches.
  4. Identifying professional qualifications and occupational profiles and that should be revised (or created, if needed) in terms of skills, indicating priorities depending on the potential impact on sectorial growth, competitiveness and employment.
  5. Fostering the development of specific solutions on VET provision.
  6. Providing training with suitable and flexible training/learning methods (MOOC).
  7. Promoting attractiveness of the sector and gender balance through specific actions (Outreach Campaign).
  8. Encouraging mobility through promoting the use of existing European tools (Erasmus+, EURES, EAfA).
  9. Launching a collaborative platform to build community among partners, stakeholders, and training officers.
  10. Developing effective dissemination and communication actions to reach all key actors and target collectives previously identified.
  11. Getting the involvement and endorsement of all those relevant stakeholders by signing up an Endorsement Pledge.
  12. Delivering all relevant EU and/or country level qualitative evidence and quantitative data in open data format, to be used, if appropriate, for the Cedefop’s ‘Skills Panorama’ initiative.
  13. Identifying funding opportunities to ensure sustainability of outcomes and further implementation of the general strategy.


  1. A collection of good practices at national and regional level to illustrate and promotion of other initiatives addressing skill gaps.
  2. The design and deliverance of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in order to raise awareness among construction workers about new skills drivers meaning digitalization, energy efficiency and circular economy.
  3. The creation of the tool Watch Tower to provide valuable information about particular skill needs at least at regional/ national level.
  4. The building of a revised methodology of constructing professional profiles and qualifications.
  5. Carrying out an outreach campaign for the Construction industry to promote its attractiveness among youngsters and women, identifying and promoting solutions to facilitate mobility of construction workers in Europe.
  6. Creating a new virtual tool (SSA Portal) where all project outputs will be available for stakeholders, as well as a Sector Skills Alliance platform for collaborative work.

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise