CULMED: Cultural Mediators in the Postal Sector (KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices)


The project “CULMED: Cultural Mediators in the Postal Sector” aims to provide a solution establishing a multicultural environment within the post offices and design a joint curricula, aiming at training post employees to deliver services within this multicultural environment.

Cultural Mediators as professionals will be trained to facilitate relations between local and foreign citizens and to promote reciprocal knowledge and comprehension have the ability to promote social and working inclusion aimed at favoring a positive relationship between persons of different cultural backgrounds.

CULMED’s training programme is going to include soft skills and language skills and target indirectly immigrants that will learn about the post services. This will result to social and professional development of our target group, embracing migrants and refugees into our societies, through social integration.


  1. Combating discrimination and stereotypes through “people to people” provision of postal service centered on a better acknowledgment of the richness of multicultural identity in Europe;
  2. Foster social inclusion by organizing an environment where immigrants will feel “welcomed” and can have access to several services
  3. Improve the quality of services provided to immigrants.
  4. Enhance Transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications related to the postal sector.


  1. Situation Analysis; Best practices analysis preparation of a Training Needs Analysis, fundamental for understanding of the situation of ageing case workers (formal/informal) needed for the formulation and design of a tailor-made Curriculum for Cultural Mediators
  2. Preparation of Training Courses for “Cultural Mediators in the post sector” aiming at ensuring that a new curriculum, accompanied with teaching and learning material is going to be designed and delivered, based on the needs and the appropriate profile for Cultural Mediators.
  3. Development of e-learning material (Webinar) for ‘’Cultural Mediators’’ in the form of Mobile Application
  4. Pilot implementation and development of training/mentoring schemes for the professional development of the staff in terms of further participating in lifelong learning programs and developing key competences regarding the needs of immigrants
  5. 3 Multiplier events:
    1. Cultural Mediators in the Postal Sector in Greece / Romania / Belgium – that are going to be addressed to major stakeholders, migrants and potential beneficiaries of the Project Outcomes.
  6. A Short Term Training session:
    1. Pilot Training of postmen assigned to work, support and cooperate with Cultural Mediators including 3 days of Training (20 hours), delivered to 15 currently employed postmen.

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise