TESEUS - Training on Entrepreneurial Skills for EU Start-ups (KA2 Strategic Partnership for Adult Education- Exchanges of Practices)


TESEUS is an innovative project to introduce mechanisms of Firm Creation and Business Incubation in IVET that is neglected as an environment for the “creation of entrepreneurs” rather than merely “teaching of entrepreneurship”. Its aim is to promote real entrepreneurship and creation of companies to nurture the entrepreneurial talent on IVET students by creating innovative tools and training content for both IVET teachers/mentors and students on how to identify business potential and turn it into real companies and start-ups.


  1. The improvement of the cooperation between IVET institutions and business world by providing them with innovative and accessible tools to develop their student’s real-life entrepreneurship skills.
  2. Equipped IVET students and IVET teaching staff with competences and knowhow necessary to create real start-ups during professional training.
  3. The incretion of the effectiveness and applicability of entrepreneurial education in formal IVET.


Four Intellectual Outputs

  1. TESEUS OER Platform
  2. Firm Creation Mapping
  3. TESEUS Tool kit (Tools and Content) in 7 languages
  4. TESEUS Test and Validation 40 mentors + 200 students

Eight Multiplier Events

  1. Project Launch Event, which will be held in Belgium
  2. Multiplier Event and Practitioners’ Workshop, which will be held in Slovakia
  3. Multiplier Event and Practitioners’ Workshop, which will be held in Republic of North Macedonia
  4. Multiplier Event and Practitioners’ Workshop, which will be held in Italy
  5. Multiplier Event and Practitioners’ Workshop, which will be held in Greece
  6. Multiplier Event on the exploitation and mainstreaming of the Platform and Training, which will be held in Spain
  7. International Exploitation Workshop, which will be held in Belgium
  8. Project Final Event, which will be held in Romania

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise