INSERT: Developing the competences of educators / professionals for the promotIoN of Social Entrepreneurship to adults with migRanT background (KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices)


The project consists in extending and developing the social entrepreneurship competences of educators/ professionals working in organizations, providing support to migrant populations, in order to assist them in the long-run in promoting social entrepreneurship to low-skilled and low-qualified adults with a migrant background, as an alternative pathway for their self-sustainability.


  1. To enhance the background and knowledge of educators / professionals in social entrepreneurship fields, which will facilitate them in the long run to develop social entrepreneurial skills to learners with migrant background.
  2. Improve the supply of high quality learning opportunities in the field of social entrepreneurship tailored to the needs of both educators with no prior relevant knowledge in the field, as well as of low-skilled adults with migrant background.
  3. Increase the capacity of educators / professionals as trainers of trainers in social entrepreneurship.
  4. Promote the social entrepreneurship spirit and raise awareness on the alternative pathways to pursue self-sustainability.
  5. Increase labour market relevance of learning provision and qualifications and reinforce links among the world of social entrepreneurship with adult trainers and, ultimately, with migrant learners.


Activities to be implemented:

Capacity Building course which will investigate the learning & training needs and challenges of the project’s target group i.e. educators
and professional working with adult migrants
Web-based platform for Capacity Building Courses and social learning e-centers which will serve both as an e-learning tool developing
/enhancing the social entrepreneurship skills of educators/professionals working with adults migrants
Implementation of a comprehensive capacity development methodology of Social Learning e-centers consists

Dissemination Activities:

Promotional materials
5 workshops with educators /professionals in UK, Greece, France, Italy and Austria
5 Awareness Raising Event in UK, Greece, France, Italy and Austria
1 Final Dissemination Conference in Greece

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise