Comparative evaluation of programmes of Active Labour Market Policies of the National Employment Service directed to Young People


Youth unemployment has risen in Greece in the recent years and exacerbated by the recession and financial crisis. The unemployed aged under 30 make up about 28% of all registered unemployed job seekers at the National Employment Agency.

The OP "Human Resources" has set a very important goal for the integration of the target - group of young people in programs of active labour market policies. In 2015, 100% of registered unemployed in the Employment Service aged 15-24 years should be benefiting from ALMP before completing 6 months of unemployment.

The purpose of this study is a comparative evaluation of three Active labour market measures/programmes implemented by the National Employment Agency that deal with recruiting unemployed young people by private companies, which are being implemented since 2010.
It concerns the following programmes:
  • The grant programme for work experience of 10,000 unemployed aged 16 to 24 years (newcomers in the market)
  • Special two-year programme to promote employment by a grant of social contributions for the recruitment of 25,000 unemployed
  • Special four-year programme  to promote employment by a grant of social contributions for the recruitment of 40,000 unemployed
  • Desk research
  • Field research (3000 enterprises) and interviews
  • Outputs: Methodology, Draft and final evaluation reports (On-going evaluation of the design and implementation of the above programmes in terms of achieving the goals of labour market integration for young unemployed under 30 years of age)
  • Recommendations

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise