DataPro: Upgrading the EU Data Protection Sector with new Skills (KA3: Joint Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training)


In an increasingly data driven world, cybersecurity is no longer just a concern for experts. Our proposed project is establishing a solid regional partnership in Greece, Cyprus and Germany, responding to the challenges of the new European data protection regime that is being shaped by the adoption on 27 April 2016, of a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679. Since there is no common European framework on skills and competences needed in data protection Sector, business Sector is facing a rising skills mismatch between data protection employees across European countries with different occupational profile on skills and competences and most importantly, different level of legislation/integration on data protection


Our partnership aims to incorporate the new digital mentality that is being shaped to companies, employees and young learners, while responding to the fragmented certification system in the field. Project’s objectives are to:

  1. Foster employability of young learners and employees
  2. Enhance transparency and harmonization of Sectoral skills and qualifications
  3. Support the preparation and setting-up of a new Joint VET Curricula
  4. Create a standardized VET Certification for DPOs
  5. Develop a new Work Based Learning Scheme
  6. Foster cross-border, transnational and interregional mobility



Based on the fact that there is no common European framework on skills and competences needed in the data protection
sector and current Qualification/Occupational profile is scattered among different levels of national legislation and
integration on the field, our Project targets the need to:

  1. Develop a renewed joint Occupational/Qualification Profile that will be the result of a targeted TNA (Training Needs Analysis).
  2. Develop two interconnected joint Curricula accompanied by advanced WBL schemes that will empower learners and employees with
  3. renewed skills and competences.
  4. Define assessment standards of learning outcomes that will enable the accreditation and quality assurance of Joint Curricula

With a view to establish a sustainable cooperation structure and recognition of qualifications for DPOs and data
protection “ready” employees, the partnership focus on two certain tasks:

  1. The development of a sustainable recognition process on common values and qualifications that underpin the “new data protection
  2. Awareness raise and trust building of VET provided DPOs Curriculla through implementation of workshops in chambers members and
    setting up round tables with chamber members across Greece, Cyprus and Germany.

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise