Technical assistance for enhancing data management, forecasting and evaluation capacity of the National Employment Service


The overall objective of the project is to decrease the level of unemployment in Serbia.

The specific objective of this project to upgrade NES performance in the following areas: (i) monitoring and forecasting of labour market trends and (ii) monitoring and evaluation of active labour market programmes.
The main results to be achieved by this project are:

•    Developed and improved methodology and internal documents for research and forecasting of labour market trends and monitoring and evaluation of active labour market programmes
•    Strengthened capacities of NES and MoERD staff for monitoring and forecasting of labour market trends and monitoring and evaluation of active labour market programmes
•    Software systems for monitoring and forecasting of labour market trends and monitoring and evaluation of active labour market programmes implemented
•    Labour market analysis, forecast reports and reports on the evaluation of active labour market programmes promoted in public and distributed to the MoERD, social partners and other stakeholders.

  • Comprehensive review of existing methodologies and forecasting of the labour market
  • Organisation of Study Visit
  • Refinement of Methodologies for research and forecasting of labour market trends
  • Drafting of Internal Documents (Handbooks and manuals)
  • Organisation of Conferences
  • Seminars & Training for NES management and staff
  • Conduction of Labour Market Survey and development of forecasting reports and publications
  • Comprehensive review of existing methodologies for M&E of LMM
  • Refinement of Methodologies for M&E of LMM
  • Drafting of Internal Documents (Handbooks and manuals)
  • Organisation of Conferences (Kick-Off & Closing Conference)
  • Seminars & Training for NES management and staff
  • Conduction of Evaluation and development of evaluation reports on selected labour market programmes and publications
  • SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT for monitoring and forecasting LM trends and SOFTWARE for M&E of ALMP
  • SUPERVISION OF THE SUPPLY CONTRACT for delivery of hardware and DMS
  • Drafting Visibility Action Plan
  • Implementation of Visibility and Dissemination Activities

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise