IPA - Regional network of local learning institutions


This service contract was intended to be built on the strong foundations laid by the AAE in its first three years of operation, including the CARDS 2004 Adult Learning project. The focus of this project was two-fold: Component 1 of the operation was implemented in ten selected counties of the Republic of Croatia, while the other three Components (Component 2, 3 and 4) were implemented throughout the Republic of Croatia.

Component 1 - Improvement of the capacity of VET and adult education institutions’ representatives in the ten selected counties

The activities of Component 1 of this service contract were related to the capacity building and trainings of the teachers and expert staff of VET and adult education institutions in the ten selected counties. Capacity building and trainings were held for the representatives of the institutions that did not apply for the grant and/or for those which did apply for the grant but were not successful.

Component 2 – Assistance in disseminating information on the Methodology for modernizing existing and/or designing new short programmes

The activities of Component 2 were focused on the Consultant’s assistance with the establishment of help-desk and training of the employees of Agency for Vocational Education and Adult Education that provided help-desk services. This was conducted as limited support to the Help-desk for methodology development which served as assistance to all adult education institutions which were interested in using the mentioned methodology. Furthermore, workshops and trainings were organised on the methodology developed for monitoring and evaluation of Adult Education Programmes.

Component 3 - Support for the implementation of the grant scheme operation “Regional Network for Local Learning Institutions”

The activities of Component 3 were linked to the grant scheme “Regional Network for Local Learning Institutions” which was implemented in the entire Republic of Croatia. The Consortium organised a number of workshops in order to provide assistance and support to the grant beneficiaries (VET and adult education institutions) at national and regional level.

Component 4 – Awareness- raising activities for potential learners regarding VET and adult education training programmes and regional networks established

Component 4 focused on awareness-raising activities to promote participation of potential learners in the VET and adult education training programmes and established regional networks. In order to ensure sustainability of project activities to all parties interested in programmes, an online Learning Management System was developed as well as a webpage within the website of the Agency (AVETAE).

  • Capacity building and training of adult education institutions in the ten selected counties
  • Further implementation of the teacher training programme developed through CARDS 2004 Adult Learning
  • Targeted assistance to the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education
  • Developing standards and instruments for monitoring and evaluation of the VET and adult education programmes
  • Trained grant beneficiaries from VET and adult education institutions
  • Established of appropriate mechanisms for monitoring of the grant scheme
  • Assisted VET and Adult Leaning Institutions in participating in a weekly Lifelong Learning Fair
  • Developed web page and online Learning Management System

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise