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MICRO - Enhancing Competitiveness of Microenterprises in rural areas is a Project co-funded by the European Programme Erasmus+, Key Action 2, Vocational Education and Training, and is carried out by a transnational consortium which involves six countries (Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia and Spain)

MICRO developed 39 training courses in 5 different languages, for a total of 195 courses under 10 different categories and made available in multilingual versions and for free access on the dedicated Open Educational Resource: http://www.microsmetraining.eu/.

MICRO - Enhancing Competitiveness of Microenterprises in rural areas is a Project co-funded by the European Programme Erasmus+, Key Action 2, Vocational Education and Training, and is carried out by a transnational consortium which involves six countries (Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia and Spain)

MICRO developed 39 training courses in 5 different languages, for a total of 195 courses under 10 different categories and made available in multilingual versions and for free access on the dedicated Open Educational Resource: http://www.microsmetraining.eu/.

Training was tailored on the needs of microenterprises in rural areas to enhance their competitiveness and support their growth in Europe and was built upon the findings of primary and secondary research that partners carried out in 6 countries to gauge needs and preferences of microenterprises in rural areas.

The OER Platform Demo is a very valuable 4 minutes videoguide which helps users to browse the OER Platform in order to find out information about the MICRO Project (background, objectives, activities, results), information about the partners and their activities as well as to fully access MICRO's training courses.

Given the high number of training courses developed, the videoguide is particularly helpful to enhance accessibility and ensure everyone can benefit from MICRO training and choose the most relevant topic for its own needs.

The OER Platform Demo is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abwP5CrH-VI&feature=youtu.be

EEO GROUP is a private management consulting firm providing consulting services, conducting studies, developing new technology applications and providing services in the area of human resources, with more than twenty years presence in Greece and abroad. EEO GROUP aims at providing specific expertise for covering the needs in EU funds management in the public and private sectors, in planning, managing and evaluating development programmes at national and EU level.

For more information about MICRO project and EEO GROUP SA, contact us: info@eeogroup.gr


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EEO Group S.A participated in the 3rd Open Campus of DESCI Project with title “Knowledge, Attitudes and Skills to Link Education to Workplaces” on 19th of May. The 3rd Open Campus hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. DESCI Project is an Erasmus+ KA2- awarded as good practice-, which promotes alternative training paths based on the Living Lab approach, adopting participatory design methodologies, connecting School, Enterprise, Research and Territory

 Dr. Angelos Koutsomichalis, Scientific Director of EEO Group S.A, participated in the conference “National Action Plan for the Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning in Cyprus: Presentation and Consultation” on 17th of May hosted by the European and International Affairs office of Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus.

The Conference was implemented within the framework of the project "Establishment of mechanisms for the validation of non-formal and informal learning" and is co-funded by the European Social Fund. Through this project an effort is being made to modernize the services offered to the citizens, as well as the satisfaction of modern social needs that require the validation of the learning that has been acquired in various contexts.


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EEO Group S.A participated in the 2nd Project Meeting of INSERT, which was held at BEST premises on 15th of May. INSERT is an Erasmus+KA2 adult project and it consists in extending and developing the social entrepreneurship competences of educators/professionals working in organizations. Especially, it provides support to migrant populations, in order to assist them in the long-run in promoting social entrepreneurship to low-skilled and low-qualified adults with a migrant background, as an alternative pathway for their self-sustainability.


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EEO Group S.A participated in the 2nd Project Meeting of INSERT, which was held at BEST premises on 15th of May. INSERT is an Erasmus+KA2 adult project and it consists in extending and developing the social entrepreneurship competences of educators/professionals working in organizations. Especially, it provides support to migrant populations, in order to assist them in the long-run in promoting social entrepreneurship to low-skilled and low-qualified adults with a migrant background, as an alternative pathway for their self-sustainability.


AXESS is the concrete answer to specific needs in the field of upskilling adults, with focus on Digital Skills for low skilled adult women.

The ultimate goal of the project is to enhance employability of women through developed and more proactive social and civic engagement. In today´s world this is firmly linked with the level of digital skills.

The above mentioned competences (sense of sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, social and civic competences, digital competence) are among 8 Key Competences of Lifelong Learning formulated by the European Commission. Also OECD deals with competences of adults, notably in the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). The survey of problem solving in technology-rich environments, among other things, revealed that women in some countries have less developed digital skills than men.

AXESS addresses the needs of target groups (adult women) by developing and deploying concrete training and educational resources (OER, open educational resources) for adult women to advance their digital competencies and skills.

Hence the objectives of the project, include:

  • The provision of concrete educational resources for low-skilled adults, mainly for adult women
  • Enhancement of Social and Civic Competences of low-skilled adult women and lead to socio-economic empowerment
  • The development of content and material for online courses
  • The creation and consolidation of strategic partnership fir Adult Education

The amelioration of digital skills for adults, especially for women


Four Intellectual Outputs:

  • AXESS OER Platform & Virtual Community
  • Mapping of Digital Skills & Competences
  • AXESS Content in 7 languages
  • AXESS Pilot Validation

Six Multiplier Events:

  • AXESS Multiplier Event Practitioners’ Workshop which will be held in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
  • Digital Skills for Low-Skilled Adults: an Operational Perspective from the AXESS Project which will be held in Belgium
  • AXESS Multiplier Event and Practitioners’ Workshop which will be held in Greece
  • AXESS Multiplier Event and Practitioners’ Workshop which will be held in Italy
  • ICT and Digital Skills for Low-Skilled Women which will be held in Spain
  • Multiplier Event “AXESS Workshop” which will be held in Romania

What AXESS Offers

Training on:

  1. ProblemSolving
  2. DigitalSkills
  3. CognitiveSkills in DigitalAge
  4. Civic and Social Competences in Digital Age
More info?
internet web solutions
union of mothers centres

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



Europe wide, female labour market participation is lower than male one. It is well known that childbearing, care tasks, conciliation needs hinder women employment. Research has shown that many women exit the job market after childbirth. This trend is particularly strong among the more vulnerable segments of female population (e.g. low educated, low-skilled, of migrant origin).

In order to answer to unskilled mothers’ request of help, social professionals need to set up complex and multi-layered methods of social intervention to address the social/emotional/relational roots of the unskilled mothers’ unemployment or inactivity problems.

Hence the objectives of the project, include:

  • To increase social professionals’ capacity to frame help’s request within beneficiaries’ social/cultural/relational roots.
  • To provide social professionals with the tools necessary to read complexity of women work-family balance situation, also through an understanding of conciliation that goes beyond the mere provision of family care services.
  • To design, test and share innovative pedagogical methods of women guidance and emporwementaccross the JUMP partners, relational inclusion and employability.

Four Intellectual Outputs:

  •  JUMP Guidelines: Analysis and exchange of practices
  •  State-of-the-art in the four partner countries
  •  JUMP training modules
  •  JUMP Webinars

Three Multiplier Events:

  •  JUMP preliminary lessons: Women employability and the role of social professionals, which will be held in Croatia
  •  JUMP opportunities for social professionals and vulnerable women, which will be held in Greece
  •  JUMP: final conference, which will be held in Italy

JUMP’s target groups:

  •  PRIMARY TARGET: social professionals (i.e. educators, counsellors, mediators, therapists, psychologist, care consultants, social anthropologists, social workers) who work on facilitating labour market participation among vulnerable social groups.
  •  SECONDARY TARGET: low income/low skilled (migrant) women with small children who are lone mothers and/or have never entered the work market, experience a long break in their employment path or work in low-skilled and no-protected jobs.
More info?
fundacion senara
Universita di torino
eta beta
ufficio pio

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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EEO Group S.A participated on 29th and 30th of November 2017 in the kick-off meeting of AXESS Project: Acquisition of Key Competences for Economic and Social Sustainability, through its Development Director Theodoros Grassos. The meeting was held in the premises of IHF in Brussels.


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EEO Group S.A participated on 29th and 30th of November 2017 in the kick-off meeting of AXESS Project: Acquisition of Key Competences for Economic and Social Sustainability, through its Development Director Theodoros Grassos. The meeting was held in the premises of IHF in Brussels.