SAAM (Supporting Alliance for African Mobility) is a pilot action of educational mobility in the field of vocational education and training to allow the establishment of mechanisms of implicit exchanges through learning, teaching and capacity building between Africa and Europe.


The kick-off meeting of SAAM (Supporting Alliance for African Mobility) project was held online with more than 50 participants from more than 20 countries from Europe and Africa.

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On 27th and 28th EKKE organized the Multiplier Event of CULMED in Athens. A great panel of speakers matched with increased participation and interest on project activities and outcomes have made it an exceptional 2-day event, despite the limitations placed by COVID-19.

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EEO Group has organized an online event in the framework of the European programme CULMED – Cultural Mediators in the postal sector (2018-1-ΕL01-KA202-047904) on July 29th. Within this day, several issues have been explored and discussed, such as the crucial role of civil society in migrants and refugees social inclusion, the importance of cultural meditation in social services efficiency, key competences (communicational, intercultural and civic) as a demand for adjustment in global changes and human resources practices for diversity skills in the workplace.

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On July 27-28, National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) will host the multiplier event of “CULMED-Cultural Mediators in the Postal Sector in Greece” project (2018-1-ΕL01-KA202-047904) with the contribution of all Greek partners of the consortium (ELTA, KEK-ELTA, EEO GROUP).

The CULMED project aims at fostering and facilitating third-country nationals’ integration into the societies, through the acquisition of cultural meditation skills by post professionals and the adoption of an active and enhance the role of post organizations in the integration process. It consists of a pilot project aiming at surfacing and providing evidence on a new dimension of cultural mediation and the role of post organizations in the multifaceted process of TCNs social integration.

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H EEO Group, με αφορμή την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος Erasmus+ CULMED - Cultural Mediators in the postal sector (project number: 2018-1-ΕL01-KA202-047904), αλλά και στο πλαίσιο των στόχων και των ενδιαφερόντων της, διοργανώνει εκδήλωση με στόχο τη διάχυση του έργου και των αποτελεσμάτων του, καθώς και των καλών πρακτικών που αφορούν την κοινωνική ένταξη υπηκόων τρίτων χωρών και την ενδυνάμωση των ταχυδρομικών υπηρεσιών με στόχο την κοινωνική συνοχή και την οικονομική ευημερία.

Η εκδήλωση θα διεξαχθεί στις 29 Ιουλίου 2020 και ώρα 15.30 μέσω της πλατφόρμας Ζoom λόγω περιορισμών που προέκυψαν από την επίδραση του COVID-19 στην Ελλάδα.

Tour2Include 2nd Transnational Meeting Photo

Migrants' Integration into Tourism-Related Professions

On 11th June 2020, the Tour2Include Consortium held the 2nd Project Management Meeting. Due to COVID restriction, the meeting originally planned to be held in Pescara – Italy took place in an online mode based on a detailed agenda shared and agreed by all partners.

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Read DIONE project's 1st newsletter here:

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AKMI S.A. organised face-to-face training activity in the context of the European project, Erasmus+ S.S.A., Mu.SA. to train VET experts in the methodologies of the project.

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AKMI S.A. participated at the 2nd Transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ KA3 project VETFest  “12 Events for Transnational and National VET networks”, held at Avellino, Italy, on 11th February 2020. The project has a runtime of two years and is coordinated by the Sociedade Promotora de Estabelecimentos de Ensino Lda.