Transnational meeting about JU.M.P Program on 19-20 October 2017 in EEO Group S.A
Update on preliminary project achievements
EEO Group S.A organized the Transnational meeting about JU.M.P Program, which was held in its Headquarter in Athens on 19-20 October 2017.
This meeting was organized in the framework of the ‘’JU.M.P-Juggling Motherhood and profession’’ an Erasmus+ program, under the KA2 Call ‘’Cooperation for Innovation and the exchange of good practice’’.
The participants in this meeting were:
- EEO Group S.A
- UfficioPio-dellaCompagnia di San Paolo Corso Vittorio Emanuele
- Unito, Universita degli Studi di Torino-CIRSDE
- Etabeta s.c.s
- KMOP-Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias kai Paidiou
EEO Group S.A presented the results of IO1 of the Project “Jump Guidelines: Analysis and exchange of practices, actions, deadlines, deliverables and partner’s tasks’’.
Furthermore, the participants discussed administrative issues such as the project management, financial monitoring and the communication activities. UniTO CIRSDE presented the IO 2 and UFICCIO IO the IO 3, while the agenda included the Planning of Multiplier Event and the next Transnational Project Meeting at UfficioPio & CSP-ST.
For more information read: