TOPSA- Local Actions Plans for Employment in Korinthia (MOXLEYSI)


The aim of Local Actions Plans for Employment (TopSA) is to create jobs for the unemployed, with the activation and mobilization of local actors (through the Development Ps) throughout the country. In particular, the job positions will be created further to the diagnosis of specific needs of local communities and the enhancement of their development potential. The Local Action Plans for Employment fall under the actions of the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development” (co-financed by ESF) –Thematic Priority Axis 3- Facilitating Access to Employment.


The TopSA include actions such as training and education, work based learning and apprenticeships in private enterprises in Greece or abroad, the preparation of business plans, specialized research and evaluation services for start-ups, support for legal and tax issues, etc.

The goal of TopSA is that beneficiaries are be able to:
• to establish their own businesses that will benefit from the characteristics of their area
• to qualify for other subsidized investment programs
• to develop skills that will meet the identified needs of local firms that will hire them.

The objective of this project is the development and implementation the Local Action Plan in Korinthos, Peloponnese.

  • Studies including studies on the labour market and prospect of the development of entrepreneurship in Messenia; Study on the creation of a local network of enterprises; Study on the prospects for trade of local agricultural produce

    Networking: including networking of the DP with local productive actors and other DPs; Organization of Career days; Electronic networking; Participation in fairs of mainly agricultural producers

  • Dissemination-Visibility Actions including: the creation of a website and portal, the management of the website/portal, creation of dissemination material including posters, flyers, newsletters, etc; media promotion campaign (radio mainly); Dissemination workshops

  • Coordination and Management of the DP: General coordination of actions for the implementation and finalization of the action; Action File with all documentation on technical and financial progress; Creation of the DP and support to the management committee; management of the DP; Correspondence of the DP

  • Vocational training of target groups in “Modern methods of production, trade and promotion of agricultural products with an emphasis on organic products” -170 hours for 20 participants

  • Vocational training of target groups in “Technical personal in industrial sites-175 hours for 20 participants

  • Vocational training of target groups in “Office automation with the use of PCs” -175 hours for 20 participants

  • Vocational training of target groups in “Basic principles of organization, communication, sales and inventory management in a modern enterprise -175 hours for 20 participants

  • Vocational training of target groups in ”Basic principles of organization, management and functioning of an SME -175 hours for 20 participants

  • Vocational training of target groups in “Development of Social Entrepreneurship” -130 hours for 20 participants

  • Information-Counseling-Support: including approach, updating and activation of beneficiaries, selection process, diagnostic needs of beneficiaries, counseling support, Support of beneficiaries within the first 3 months of their placement, Support in

  • Entrepreneurship including business coaching, drafting of 35 business plans for the creation of new enterprises, and the creation of social enterprises; Organization of 10 workshops relating to ISO quality management and financial management, etc

  • EEO Group is providing services mainly the actions related to points: A and F (studies and counseling support for the creation of new enterprises). KEK AKMI is mainly involved in actions E (Vocational training) as well as action B-Networking with the organization of career days.

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise