IPA-Support to the implementation and coordination of BiH's national youth policy


By the end of its three-year term of office (2006-2009), the first Commission for Coordination of Youth Issues (CCYI BiH) had not managed to develop the Youth Policy (YP) BiH. At the end of 2009, a new CCYI BiH was setup and is continuing with the work towards its administration reform.

Within this scope the development of the Youth Policy in BiH, the CCYI aims:

  • to establish goals, priorities and measures with clear guidelines for their implementation;
  • to incorporate the EU legacy (i.e. White Paper) in the field of youth;
  • to establish conditions for the coordination of measures;
  • to establish conditions that facilitate the inclusion of these measures in other development documents, following the principle of inter-sectoral action on the youth issues;
  • to introduce options for a successful use of the EU funds to support youth;
  • to introduce options to use other funds, e.g., from international agencies.

As the entity government levels in BiH – RS, FBiH, cantons in FBiH - have jurisdiction on the youth issues, and financial possibilities as well, a maximum engagement on their part is necessary to improve the quality of youth actions. The youth action programs, developed by the ministries at the entity and cantonal levels, should have SMART-goals; contain appropriate deadlines for implementing actions, financial investments, material and other support needed and a successful monitoring system of the programs.

For the appropriate definition of the key elements for future efficient functioning of the stakeholders gathered around youth issues, aforementioned objectives, needs, problems and obstacles should be grouped around four axes:

  1. Capacity building of the stakeholders
  2. Monitoring and evaluation system
  3. Community Programs related to youth
  4. Planning of future activities

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise