The Pilot Testing of the CICERON

The Pilot Testing of the CICERON project took place at EEO Group Offices in Athens on the 10th of July 2014.



ciceron-meetingCICERON “Developing a European Software to Validate and Recognize the Key Non Formal & Informal Competences needed by the Seniors who are Volunteers in Social & Educational Activities” is a project financed by the European Union (Lifelong Learning Programme-Grundtvig). The partnership includes organizations from 5 countries including Spain, Romania, UK, Greece and Austria.


The main objective of the Ciceron project is to develop an online tool which will contribute to the successful long term recruitment of volunteers in a range of voluntary activities and organisations. The online tool is attractive and intuitive to use, containing questionnaires that invite individual users to reflect upon their skills gained through volunteering. 


100 0121The tool assesses competency in four key skill areas — social, teaching, organizational and intercultural skills. After completing the Ciceron questionnaires, volunteers receive a breakdown of their results and some recommendations for next steps.




In this context a Pilot experience was organized by EEO Group in its offices in Athens on the 10th of July 2014, with participants from the 50Plus NGO in Greece, from the Volunteering Group of the Municipality of N. Irakleiou of Attica as well as Senior Individuals.


100 0139After an electronic process of self assessment through the Device’s questionnaires, the participants worked on a Brainstorming session evaluating main competences, knowledge and skills necessary for Senior Volunteers. This will lead to the finalization and fine tuning of the CICERON device which will be available soon.


It was definitely a successful session which helped senior volunteers understand their existing skills which they may not have been previously recognized!!


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