The Kick off Meeting of the GREENSMATCH project took place in Zaragoza on the 19th of March 2015. The project, which is co-financed by the European Union (under the Erasmus+ Programme), is implemented by a consortium led by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Zaragoza (ES) in association with EEO Group (GR), FEUZ (ES), Inovamais (PT) and IHK (DE). The project started in January 2015 and will last for two years.
The main aim of the project is to bridge the gap between green education and green jobs through cooperation, innovation and exchange of good practices. The partners will exchange experiences and will identify best practices to bridge the gaps between the existing green skills and green market needs. 15 green occupations from recycling and waste management, transportation and logistics, vehicle manufacturing and agro food industry will be selected and their skill profile analyzed. The final step will be the creation of 15 roadmaps which meet the needs for employability and /or training of 15 occupations identified according to their skill profile.