The GreeNS Match project is a 2-year project started in December 2014. It aims to bridge the gap between green education and green jobs through cooperation, innovation and exchange of good practices.
The GreeNS Match project (Matching Green Skills Supply with Green Labour Market Needs) is aimed at supporting the growth of the green economy through the provision of training strategies which are in line with the SMEs needs and reduce possible green skills mismatches. This initiative is targeted to SMEs and in particular companies operating in 4 sectors:
• Recycling & waste management
• Transportation & logistics
• Vehicle manufacturing
• Agro and food industry
The project is also targeted to Vocational Education and Training providers, business associations, public employment services and policy makers.
The main outputs of the project are as follows:
• Identification of measures for the development of the green economy;
• Identification of labour needs of the current green market in selected companies;
• Identification of 15 green occupations and their respective competency profiles in the selected sectors;
• Identification and arrangement of training resources;
• Identification of best practices focused on reducing the gaps between existing skills and needs of the labour market;
• Creation of 15 roadmaps to meet the need of employment and training on the identified occupations.