Click Clever: 3rd Transnational Project meeting In Brussels

ClickClever PM Brussels

During the 10th of October 2019, AKMI SA participated at the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting of the Erasmus + KA2 project “Click Clever: Social Education per Tardivi Digitalis”.

The project aims to enhance the use of Web developing it to a better place to ‘live’ for everybody. More specifically, the project objective underlies the transformation of digital immigrants (late digitals) into informed digital citizens, the creation of digital culture, as well as the promotion of an informative experience among adults towards communication and relationships on the Internet.

Throughout the meeting partners from Italy, Spain, France, Greece and Belgium discussed the content of the training courses developed for the digital immigrants and adult teachers, as well as they, started to get prepared for the Validation phase. Furthermore, the consortium analyzed the organization, financial and dissemination activities.

AKMI SA was represented by its project manager Mrs Elda Stoupa.