“CLICK CLEVER: Social Education for Digital Tradives” is a KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices-Strategic Partnerships for adult education project that aims to make the Web a better place to ‘live’ for everybody in order to spoil all its opportunities. The project focuses on adult citizens, called “digital immigrants” and adult teachers in order to turn the digital immigrants into informed digital citizens, ready to act in e-spaces like social networks that help people to express themselves and their values, as well as to build a personal and social identity. CLICK CLEVER underpins the creation of a digital culture and promotes an informative experience towards communications and relationships on Internet and social networks discouraging adult cyberbullying.
The 2nd Transnational meeting highlighted the first results of partner’s primary and secondary research, the next steps in order to organize the forthcoming intellectual output, as well as the progress of the project.