Europe wide, female labour market participation is lower than male one. It is well known that childbearing, care tasks, conciliation needs hinder women employment. Research has shown that many women exit the job market after childbirth. This trend is particularly strong among the more vulnerable segments of female population (e.g. low educated, low-skilled, of migrant origin).
In order to answer to unskilled mothers’ request of help, social professionals need to set up complex and multi-layered methods of social intervention to address the social/emotional/relational roots of the unskilled mothers’ unemployment or inactivity problems.
Hence the objectives of the project, include:
To increase social professionals’ capacity to frame help’s request within beneficiaries’ social/cultural/relational roots.
To provide social professionals with the tools necessary to read complexity of women work-family balance situation, also through an understanding of conciliation that goes beyond the mere provision of family care services.
To design, test and share innovative pedagogical methods of women guidance and emporwementaccross the JUMP partners, relational inclusion and employability.
Four Intellectual Outputs:
JUMP Guidelines: Analysis and exchange of practices
State-of-the-art in the four partner countries
JUMP training modules
JUMP Webinars
Three Multiplier Events:
JUMP preliminary lessons: Women employability and the role of social professionals, which will be held in Croatia
JUMP opportunities for social professionals and vulnerable women, which will be held in Greece
JUMP: final conference, which will be held in Italy
JUMP’s target groups:
PRIMARY TARGET: social professionals (i.e. educators, counsellors, mediators, therapists, psychologist, care consultants, social anthropologists, social workers) who work on facilitating labour market participation among vulnerable social groups.
SECONDARY TARGET: low income/low skilled (migrant) women with small children who are lone mothers and/or have never entered the work market, experience a long break in their employment path or work in low-skilled and no-protected jobs.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.