JUMP aim is, therefore, twofold
- it will create a transnational learning network of social professionals, experts and universities from JUMP countries that can allow the sharing and experimenting of innovative practices of social support, coaching and guidance (first phase);
- it will provide groups of fragile mothers from JUMP countries with innovative methods of social support tailored on their complex conciliation’s needs to increase their employability (second phase).
Objectives of JUMP’s actions
- To increase social professionals’ capacity to frame help’s requests within beneficiaries' social/cultural/relational roots;
- to provide social professionals with the tools necessary to read the complexity of women work-family balance situation, also through an understanding of conciliation that goes beyond the mere provision of family care services;
- to design, test and share innovative pedagogical methods of women guidance and empowerment across the JUMP partners, to tackle the issues related to work-family balance, parenthood practi- ces, relational inclusion, employability.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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