GDPR4H: Upgrading the Health Sector with high-skilled Data Protection Officers (DPOs) under GDPR (KA2 Strategic Partnership for Adult Education- Exchanges of Practices)


The healthcare industry is plagued by a myriad of cybersecurity-related issues posing new challenges in the Healthcare Sector, while the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires for healthcare organizations to re-think about their data flows and how they handle and monitor personal data. At the same time, the expected massive growth of data protection jobs redrives new skills, knowledge and competences from Healthcare employees. Our partnership aims to incorporate the new digital mentality that is being shaped to companies, employees and young learners, while responding to the fragmented certification system in the field.


Our partnership aims to incorporate the new digital mentality that is being shaped to companies, employees and young learners, while responding to the fragmented certification system in the field. Project’s objectives are to:

  1. Foster employability of young learners and employees in the Health sector providing them with the new Data Protection Skills Sets, achieving higher connectivity between the emergence of new job roles and associated skills needs from the 2016/679 Directive.
  2. Enhance transparency, comparability and harmonization of Sectoral skills and qualifications of data protection employees, providing a new Occupational Profile which includes the new “soft skills” needed in the data privacy area.
  3. Support the setting-up of two new VET Curricula: preparation of a learning-outcome based DPO Curriculum & a Training course for DPOs in Health sector & trainers that are going to cover “horizontally” the main areas of skills and competences and share a common learning experience among them at a European level.
  4. Create a standardized VET Certification for DPOs that is going to validate the abilities and competences of potential Sector employees.
  5. Develop a new Work Based Learning Scheme that is going to provide the necessary linkage between VET Training and Actual Work and enhance real learning about real issues in the data privacy sector, based on Healthcare industry actual needs.
  6. Foster cross-border, transnational and interregional mobility for DPO’s in the Health sector that leads to knowledge transfer and new job opportunities.


Our partnership is going to design two Joint DPO VET Curricula for Healthcare employees (a learning-outcome based DPO Curriculum & a Training course for DPOs) that responds to concrete skill needs that emerged from 2016/679 EU Regulation.

  1. Preparation of a Joint Occupational Profile that is going to cover EU needs for Healthcare data protection employees, not only at business level but also at Institutional Level.
  2. Design, using DACUM methodology of two Joint DPOs VET curricula, engaging targeted in-business training and awareness raising in data protection, linking Healthcare DPOs with the business environment.
  3. Preparation of a strong WBL Scheme that will provide adequate experience to Healthcare DPOs, allowing better transition from the current state of play, where data breaches and wrongdoings in data protection are mostly common practice, to a new era, where data protection will be enrolled into Businesses Main Operations and both DPOs and employees are going to ensure data protection.
  4. Establishment of coherent assessment standards that are going to support validity of DPOs and provide them with the necessary authoritization to ensure data protection within business environment.

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise