AXESS: Acquisition of Key Competences for Economic and Social Sustainability (KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices)


AXESS is the concrete answer to specific needs in the field of upskilling adults, with focus on Digital Skills for low skilled adult women. The ultimate goal of the project is to enhance employability of women through
developed and more proactive social and civic engagement. In today´s world this is firmly linked with the level of digital skills. The above mentioned competences (sense of sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, social and civic competences, digital competence) are among 8 Key Competences of Lifelong Learning formulated by the European Commission. Also OECD deals with competences of adults, notably in the Programme for the
International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). The survey of problem solving in technology-rich environments, among other things, revealed that women in some countries have less developed digital skills than men. AXESS addresses the needs of target groups (adult women) by developing and deploying concrete training and educational resources (OER, open educational resources) for adult women to advance their digital competencies and skills.


  1. The main objective of the “YouCareOn” project is to foster the education competences of the involved project partners as well as teachers in the matter of an early professional career orientation and guidance for pupils/students of public schools, schools with gymnasium upper level, special education schools and high schools.
  2. The project contributes to the EU 2020 objective to make the share of early school leavers should be under 10% and enhances the access, participation and learning performance of disadvantaged primary and secondary learners.
  3. The direct beneficiaries like participating organisation’s staff and school teachers/principals gain practical experience, how to tackle with the specific topic of early professional/career orientation and guidance for pupils/students/young people of public schools, schools with gymnasium upper level, special education schools and high schools under different points of view, including the migrant’s environment.


Three Intellectual Outputs:

  1. AXESS OER Platform & Virtual Community
  2. Mapping of Digital Skills & Competences
  3. AXESS Content in 7 languages
  4. AXESS Pilot Validation

Six Multiplier Events:

  1. AXESS Multiplier Event Practitioners’ Workshop which will be held in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
  2. Digital Skills for Low-Skilled Adults: an Operational Perspective from the AXESS Project which will be held in Belgium
  3. AXESS Multiplier Event and Practitioners’ Workshop which will be held in Greece
  4. AXESS Multiplier Event and Practitioners’ Workshop which will be held in Italy
  5. ICT and Digital Skills for Low-Skilled Women which will be held in Spain
  6. Multiplier Event “AXESS Workshop” which will be held in Romania

Head of Section

Dimitra Aleiferi

Project Manager


Areas of Expertise