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EEO Group S.A participated in the 4th Joint Staff Training Event in Arcos De Valdevez, during the period 11th-15th November 2018. This event was organized by Epralima School in the framework of the European Project “Survive-Surviving the Storm: Identifying & Linking Internal Capabilities with Business Continuity”, under the “Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership for VET-Exchanges of good practices”.

In this JSTE training & study visits were conducted in order the partners to identify the existing good practices in the region. The study visits took place in remarkable companies such as InCubo which provides support and consulting to entrepreneurs. Also, partners visited Afonso Producao de Vestuario, a clothing factory which produces high quality, men shirts. Partners observed the whole line production process and they were informed about its success story.

plant survive

Another study visit was conducted on Briselta, a plant which produces a famous blend of coffee in Portugal. The final study visit took place on Sabores do Vez, a plant of meat processing and production of sausages where they were given detailed information on the start up of the company and its development within the 4 last years, their business strategy, the lessons learnt from their mistakes and eventually their growing up and exporting to European markets and Canada.

EEO Group S.A was represented by its Consultants Mrs. Victoria Topalidi and Mr. Nikolaos Aggelis.

AKMI Group of Companies supports the European Vocational Skills Week which is taking place during the 5th-9th of November 2018. VET is one of the four education and training sectors (together with schools, higher education and adult learning). European Vocational Skills Week aims to raise awareness of the wide range of opportunities available through VET, and encourage more people to participate and learn what it has to offer.

VET plays a fundamental role in the lifelong learning continuum by providing young people with the appropriate qualifications for a smooth transition to the labour market, as well as adults with the means to continuously upskills and reskill throughout their lives. VET responds to the specific needs of the economy but also develop people´s skills for personal development and active citizenship across EU.



How AKMI Group of Companies is contributing to the upgrading of skills

 AKMI Group of Companies as a leading organization in the area of vocational education and social development (human resources, education & training, labour markets) undertakes a wide range of projects and activities regarding the upgrading of skills, tailor-made for youth people. Recognizing the importance of skills in the job market and its contribution in the social inclusion, AKMI Group of Companies has implemented various projects in this area, including Erasmus+ Key Action 2 and Key Action 3 projects.

Modern societies are knowledge driven. They tend to require different and better skills and competences that need to be enriched throughout working life. Within this tentative environment, reforms in general, higher education and VET systems, providing better access to labor market, are a necessity. Within this framework, AKMI Group of Companies has been involved either as Coordinator or partner in numerous projects across EU, which aim to promote Vocational Education & Training, aiming to ameliorate the skills of youth people and workforce overall. Projects such asNEW PHOTO, Sharing Skills, Mu.Sa, J.U.M.P, AXESS, Woodual address, among others, youth unemployment and contribute to high quality skills and competences. ICT and soft skills are in the core of our policy, which are an effective tool nowadays for everyone in order to have more opportunities to find a job.

These projects, and many more, are focused on the upgrading of vocational skills, social inclusion and development AKMI Group of Companies not only contributes with its experience and expertise in the upgrading of workforce skills, including the youth people, but also it facilitates their social inclusion providing learning opportunities and eradicating the skills mismatches. Knowing that education and training are the appropriate pathway for youth to chase their dreams.

Vocational Education & Training could change the World…


We provide people with this tool!!!


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31st October 2018

"Enhancing Competitiveness of Microenterprises in Rural Areas" - MICRO is a Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for Vocational and Educational Training aimed at sustaining the growth and competitiveness of rural microenterprises by developing practical training resources and a dedicated Open Educational Resource (OER Platform).

During the Project the 7 Partners organised Multiplier Events in each of the 6 countries represented in the Consortium to share and disseminate MICRO results and outputs.

Partners showed to participants the Project life-cycle going through the 4 Intellectual Outputs of the Project and the training modules developed and tested with the target group.

Multiplier Events was held as follows:

  • Athlone (Ireland) 5th May 2017, 38 participants: Micro Enterprise, Outlining Pathways to Europe
  • Malaga (Spain), 07th November 2017, 27 participants: "Promotion of Business Culture"
  • Malaga (Spain), 19th December 2017, 35 participants: "Promotion of Business Culture"
  • Krusevo,(Macedonia), 23rd April 2018, 31 participants: MICRO Multiplier Event
  • Cavan (Ireland), 11th May 2018, 17 participants: Micro Enterprise, A Key to Rural Employment - Outlining pathways to Europe, in partnership with NUIM and Cavan Public Participation Network
  • Tetovo (Macedonia), 20th June 2018, 38 participants: MICRO Multiplier Event,
  • Malaga (Spain), 26th June 2018, 35 participants: "Promotion of Business Culture" in collaboration with the University of Malaga, University of Tanger and Andalucia Emprende
  • Pescara (Italy), 27th September 2018, 16 participants: "MICRO Project: an opportunity to sustain growth and competitiveness of microenterprises in rural areas "
  • Brussels (Belgium), 24th October 2018, 22 participants: Enhancing Competitiveness of Microenterprises in Rural Areas - Business Reception
  • Westmeath (Ireland), 26th October 2018, 10 participants: MICRO Multiplier Event
  • Greece (Larisa), 29th of October 2018, 57 participants: “Micro entrepreneurs in rural areas. Enhancing their skills in a competitive European Market”

All the events showed high participation and interest among participants.

MICRO training is freely available in multilingual versions on the dedicated Open Educational Resource Platform: www.microsmetraining.eu.

EEO GROUP S.A in MICRO Project was responsible for the coordination of the Training Modules Development due to its experience and expertise. EEO Group S.A is a leading niche consultancy specialised in human resources development, education and lifelong learning, labour markets and public administration reform. The company was founded in 1992 in Athens, Greece. It is a private management consulting firm providing advisory services and conducting studies in the public and private sectors with more than 25 years presence in Greece and abroad.

For further information on MICRO: www.microsmetraining.eu

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The Test and Validation Report of 'Enhancing Competitiveness of Microenterprises in Rural Areas' (MICRO), a Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for Vocational and Educational Training, has been published on the MICRO website (www.microsmetraining.eu/).

MICRO developed practical training resources and a dedicated Open Educational Resource (OER Platform) specifically addressed to microenterprises in rural areas.

The purpose of the Test and Validation phase of MICRO was to test the training courses developed and validate that they address the specific training needs and capacity gaps identified during the assessment phase. Feedbacks and comments collected from more than 350 participants involved in the pilot deployment of the MICRO training are vital to fine-tune the MICRO OER Platform and the training content.

The feedback was very positive and confirmed that the training courses developed successfully address the needs of the target group.

The target was to train a minimum of 200 microenterprises and craft-type enterprises across the 6 countries represented in the Consortium (Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia and Spain). The target group for training was rural microenterprises and Partners were able to successfully reach this target group during their training activities. The Validation Plan guided the Test and Validation activities, that took place from February to October 2018.

The Partners carried out the training through face-to-face classes/workshops in order to complement the Online Educational Resource and facilitate the collection of feedback from participants.

Participants were very happy with the ease of use of the platform and really appreciated the free access to the content, which do not require registering. These aspects single the MICRO Platform out from other available online training.

EEO GROUP S.A in MICRO Project was responsible for the coordination of the Training Modules Development due to its experience and expertise. EEO Group S.A is a leading niche consultancy specialised in human resources development, education and lifelong learning, labour markets and public administration reform. The company was founded in 1992 in Athens, Greece. It is a private management consulting firm providing advisory services and conducting studies in the public and private sectors with more than 25 years presence in Greece and abroad.

For further information about MICRO Project:

MICRO website: www.microsmetraining.eu


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EEO Group S.A participated in the 2nd Interim Meeting of the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Project Medlit#45+, its full name Building advanced media literacy competences and digital skills of low-skilled adults 45+ through social media. The main goal of the MEDLIT#45+ Project is to develop the digital/media competences of low-skilled/low-qualified adults 45+ through innovative tools in order to be motivated and able to build a robust online professional identity and to strengthen their access to employment.

In this project meeting the partners had the opportunity to discuss and analyze the progress of the project and to plan the next step of the implementation procedure. Specifically, the agenda was based on the evaluation of the Intellectual Output 1 “Development of digital skills building framework through social media for low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed persons over 45” and the Intellectual Output 2 “Development and pilot implementation of online resource platform for building the digital competences of low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed persons over 45”.

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Moreover, the partners discussed other crucial issues for the project implementation such as the evaluation of the management and communication strategy and the financial aspects. It was a constructive meeting due to the active participation of the Project Managers during the discussion.

EEO Group S.A was represented by its Consultant Mr. Georgios Koulouris.



EEO Group S.A successfully organized the Multiplier Event in the rural area of Larissa about the MICRO Project, a co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training.

During the event a productive and fruitful discussion conducted regarding the objective of the MICRO Project and other crucial issues for the rural sector. The Project Manager Mrs. Maria Moschou presented in a thorough way the MICRO Project and the training material, which is its main output. This project has changed the approach of the micro-entreprises in rural areas by addressing the training needs of the employees.

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Moreover, all the relevant stakeholders (from local and regional authorities, rural entrepreneurs, educators from rural sector, policy makers) had the chance to analyze in depth major issues for the rural development such as rural entrepreneurship, problems and opportunities in the rural sector, social entrepreneurship and how they could increase their effectiveness in their business.

Micro-entreprises play a fundamental role in the rural economy and the 57 participants posed important questions, analyzing all the aspects of rural development.

EEO Group S.A was responsible for the Coordination of the Training Modules Development. As a leading management and consulting company EEO Group S.A aims to maximize its impact on the labor market through innovative educational modules and to raise awareness for important issues by organizing a constructive Workshop.

For further information about MICRO Project:

MICRO website: www.microsmetraining.eu


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The 3rd newsletter of Euro4Science 2.0 is now available.

Please click here to read the newsletter.

For more information regarding the Euro4Science 2.0 project please visit: http://euro4science2.eu/

EEO Group S.A participated in the 4th Transnational Project Meeting of Survive which was held in Arcos de Valdevez in Portugal on 18th and 19th of October 2018. Surviving The Storm: Identifying & Linking Internal Capabilities with Business Continuity,its full name, is an Erasmus+ Key Action 2 project with main objective the exchange of good practices.

During the 4th meeting the partners discussed the current situation and the progress of the effective project implementation. The main issue of the meeting agenda was the planning of the next training in Portugal and the creation and completion of a Good Practices ebook. Partners defined the timetable and the deadline for the translation process.

portugal 1

Moreover, during the meeting the next steps of the project were discussed, including the next Translational meetings in Bulgaria and Greece and the next Joint Staff Training Events.

Survive partners will meet again on during 11th-15th of November for the 4th Joint Staff Training Event in Portugal.

EEO Group S.A was represented by its Consultant Mr. Nikos Aggelis.

EEO Group S.A was in Moate on October 25th for the Closing Meeting of Enhancing Competitiveness of Microenterprises in Rural Areas (MICRO), a Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for Vocational and Educational Training. The Transnational Consortium met for the formal closure of the Project and to explore future exploitation of MICRO results and outputs. The meeting offered a unique opportunity to illustrate the results achieved and to explore the possibilities for further implementation.

MICRO was implemented by 7 Partners from 6 countries (Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia and Spain).

The idea behind MICRO was to sustain the growth and competitiveness of rural microenterprises by developing practical training resources and a dedicated Open Educational Resource (OER Platform).

MICRO Closing meeting2

After a structured need analysis the Consortium developed tailored training modules on the needs of microenterprises in rural areas, to help them building capacity and new skills.

The training is freely available in multilingual versions on the dedicated Open Educational Resource Platform: www.microsmetraining.eu.

During the meeting, Partners revised all Project Outputs: the OER Platform, the Capacity Gap Assessment, Training Content and Test & Validation activities.

An important issue discussed during the meeting was targets achieved during Dissemination activities. Partners are strongly committed to give great visibility to the Project, a dedicated Multiplier Event was held in each Project country in addition to daily online and offline Dissemination activities. Further, the MICRO website will be maintained for two years after the Project completion.

EEO Group S.A is a leading niche consultancy specialised in human resources development, education and lifelong learning, labour markets and public administration reform. The company was founded in 1992 in Athens, Greece. It is a private management consulting firm providing advisory services and conducting studies in the public and private sectors with more than 25 years presence in Greece and abroad. Expertise in: Development of Curricula, Vocational Education and Training, Quality Assurance/Evaluation, Project Management, Dissemination activitiesEEO GROUP was responsible for the coordination of the Training Modules Development.

The Project Manager/Head of International Department Mrs. Maria Moschou represented EEO Group S.A

For further information about MICRO Project:

MICRO website: www.microsmetraining.eu

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Η EEO Group Α.Ε συμμετέχοντας ως εταίρος στο Ευρωπαϊκό Έργο MICRO “Enhancing Competitiveness of Microenterprises in rural areas” χρηματοδοτούμενο από το Πρόγραμμα Erasmus+/KA2, υπό την αιγίδα του ΙΕΚ ΑΚΜΗ, έχουν την τιμή να σας προσκαλέσουν στην Εσπερίδα με τίτλο «Επιχειρηματίες αγροτικών περιοχών. Ενισχύοντας τις δεξιότητές τους σε ένα ανταγωνιστικό ευρωπαϊκό περιβάλλον» τη Δευτέρα 29 Οκτωβρίου 2018, ώρες: 18.00 μ.μ. - 20.30 μ.μ. στο κτίριο του ΙΕΚ ΑΚΜΗ Λάρισας, 6ο χλμ Λάρισας – Νίκαιας.

Στόχος της Εσπερίδας είναι να παρουσιαστεί το έργο MICRO και οι δραστηριότητές του καθώς επίσης και οι υφιστάμενες προοπτικές εκπαίδευσης και κατάρτισης σε θέματα επιχειρηματικότητας και ικανότητας λειτουργίας στην Ενιαία Αγορά της ΕΕ για νέους ή υφιστάμενους επιχειρηματίες αγροτικών περιοχών.

Η Εσπερίδα απευθύνεται σε αγρότες και επιχειρηματίες μικρών επιχειρήσεων αγροτικών περιοχών, αγροτικές ενώσεις και συνεταιρισμούς, καθηγητές και παρόχους κατάρτισης, καθώς και σε φοιτητές/σπουδαστές και αποφοίτους σχετικών τμημάτων.

Την πρόσκληση της ημερίδας θα την βρείτε εδώ

Είσοδος Ελεύθερη

Σε όσους επιθυμούν θα δοθεί Βεβαίωση Παρακολούθησης

Γιατί να παρακολουθήσεις την ημερίδα:

  • Σύγχρονες μέθοδοι διδασκαλίας
  • Νέες μέθόδοι επιχειρηματικότητας
  • Διασύνδεση με την αγορά εργασίας

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