Our project “INSERT” an inspiring Erasmus+ example

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EEO Group is proud to share that our project “Insert: Developing the competences of educators/professionals for the promotIoN of Social Entrepreneurship to adults with a migRanT background”, coordinated by Point Europa, has been showcased as an inspiring Erasmus+ example, by the UK National Agency.


Despite the fact that the INSERT project has already been completed, its story is still being heard!

By developing the competences of professionals working with migrants, INSERT has promoted the social entrepreneur spirit to low-skilled migrants as an alternative career pathway. The project saw 50 participants successfully complete the course. In feedback, we found that 86% of the trainees were interested in finding and engaging new peers to be educated in the project, ensuring its sustainable filtering effect. Through all the activities that took place, the project benefitted 700 participants and has seen more than 50 new peers engaged and trained by selected educators.

For more information upon INSERT’s shared story, please visit: https://www.erasmusplus.org.uk/stories/point-europa