EEO GROUP S.A. hosted in its premises the 6th Transnational Project Meeting of the project “SURVIVE: Surviving the Storm: Identifying and Linking Internal Capabilities with Business Continuity” (Erasmus+ KA2 Exchange of Good Practices) on the 2nd and 3rd of April 2019.
SURVIVE which started in October 2017 brings together partners from Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Bulgaria. The aim of the project lies at the investigation of the secrets of success that SME “stars” underpin, in terms of internal capabilities that can ensure a viable future. SMEs share a significant role in achieving the Europe 2020 strategy, however they had to navigate a difficult economic terrain in recent years leading to poor performance in indicators such as number of enterprises, value added, &employment. Nevertheless, there are a lot of lots of studies showing that even within the current economic conditions, there are still companies, which show a remarkable yield, way above the average of their sector, and it seems that they get a benefit from the crisis and make use of chances and changes.
SURVIVE, promotes an in-depth analysis of the management systems attributes that are necessary & are offered by the various standards, models & tools that are or can be applied to SMEs which include bits & pieces of the complete picture of business “excellence” & business “potential”.
During the meeting, partners discussed the activities implemented so far including the verification of project’s website and the agenda for the forthcoming JSTE in Athens on May 2019. Furthermore, they agreed upon timeline and delivering of the next JTSE and TRM in Florence.
EEO Group was represented by its Project Managers Mrs Maria Moschou and Ms Elda Stoupa.