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EEO Group S.A participated in the 4th Meeting of BlendIn Project in Athens

EEO Group S.A participated in the 4th Meeting ,on the 1st of October, of the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Project  Blend In: Language, Cultural and Social Orientation for Young Refugees which was organized by KMOP in its premises, in Athens. BlendIn is a 24-month project that aims to assist young refugees settle into a new community, country and society and move towards independence, self-sufficiency, active citizenship and participation and at the same time to enhance the role and efficiency of refugee integration workers.

In this project meeting CARDET presented the final version of the Mobile Application and afterwards the partners discussed its dissemination strategy. Other main issues discussed by partners were the final version of Intellectual Output 4, the final dissemination events, the final reporting and the next steps.

BlendIn 4th meeting

In the agenda was also involved a study visit at the Athens Solidarity Center (ASC) of the NGO “Solidarity Now”.

More information regarding the project you could find in the website: http://blend-in.eu/en/