The project is going to prepare a framework of knowledge and skills for the low-skilled unemployed adults 45+. The social and economic inclusion of this group will be achieved through advanced media literacy and digital skills. Medlit45+ is the appropriate project for low-skilled/low-qualified adults 45+ need to develop and upgrade their media literacy and digital skills for the effective use of social media in a way that can generate increased opportunities for them in the social and professional level.
Hence the objectives of the project, include:
Developing the digital/media competences of low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed adults 45+ through innovative tools so that they are motivated and able to ]
Building of a robust online professional identity to strengthen their access to employment, leading to social & economic inclusion
Enhancing the knowledge of employment/career counselors and/or relevant authorities, organizations & companies working with low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed and equipping them with a new approach & tools for supporting and interacting with middle-aged unemployed persons through social media.
The added value of implementing the project at EU level is that it will contribute to the creation & dissemination of a common (& easily adaptable & transferable) framework & online resource platform that address a Union-wide challenge (and even more so since Romania, Greece, Portugal, Spain & Italy are among the countries with the lowest levels of digital skills, especially of low-qualified persons).
It will also contribute to the further implementation of the New Skills Agenda for Europe.
Development of digital skills building framework through social media for low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed persons over 45
Development and pilot implementation of online resource platform for building the digital competences of low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed persons over 45
Development and dissemination of manual for professionals supporting unemployed persons
employment / career counselors and/or relevant authorities, organisations and companies working with low-skilled/low-qualified unemployed (e.g. PES, recruiters)
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.