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The ultimate goal of the project is to enhance employability of women through developed and more proactive social and civic engagement. In today´s world this is firmly linked with the level of digital skills.


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The ultimate goal of the project is to enhance employability of women through developed and more proactive social and civic engagement. In today´s world this is firmly linked with the level of digital skills.


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EEO Group S.A participated on 3rd and 4th of May in the 2nd meeting of AXESS Project (Acquisition of Key Competences for Economic and Social Sustainability), which was held in Pescara, Italy. AXESS is a European Project co-funded by the Erasmus PlusProgramme of the European Commission, Key Action 2, with the aim of developing and validating innovative trainings to improve digital competences of European adults, with a particular focus on low-skilled adult women. The Consortium is composed by 8 partners from 7 European countries (Belgium, Greece, Italy, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Spain).


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EEO Group S.A participated on 3rd and 4th of May in the 2nd meeting of AXESS Project (Acquisition of Key Competences for Economic and Social Sustainability), which was held in Pescara, Italy. AXESS is a European Project co-funded by the Erasmus PlusProgramme of the European Commission, Key Action 2, with the aim of developing and validating innovative trainings to improve digital competences of European adults, with a particular focus on low-skilled adult women. The Consortium is composed by 8 partners from 7 European countries (Belgium, Greece, Italy, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Spain).


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EEO Group S.A participated on 23th-24th of March in the 2nd transnational project meeting of “Methodology for ADULT Education in the EU (MADE in EU)”, a 24-month Erasmus+ project under KA2.The international project "Methodology for ADULT Education in the EU" aims to exchange best practices in the development and implementation of adult education programs among five partner organizations working in this field.


Project in Caserta


In this project meeting EEO Group S.A was represented by its Project Manager Maria Moschou. Partners during the meeting discussed about best practices in adult education and social inclusion issues.


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EEO Group S.A participated on 23th-24th of March in the 2nd transnational project meeting of “Methodology for ADULT Education in the EU (MADE in EU)”, a 24-month Erasmus+ project under KA2.The international project "Methodology for ADULT Education in the EU" aims to exchange best practices in the development and implementation of adult education programs among five partner organizations working in this field.

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EEO Group S.A participated in the 2nd Project meeting which took part on 26 and 27 of March in Krakow, in the framework of the European Project “Survive-Surviving the Storm: Identifying & Linking Internal Capabilities with Business Continuity”, under the “Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnership for VET- Exchanges of Practices”. In this project meeting EEO Group S.A was represented by its Project Manager Maria Moschou.



The partners discussed about best practices in SMEs and possible problems and solutions. Other main issues during the meeting were the approval of flyer, the website and the next training event in Krakow.

EEO Group S.A participated on 1st -2nd and 3rd of December in the Kick off Meeting, which took place in Vilnius, Lithuania, for the project “Made in EU”. This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, Key Action 2 “Exchange practices for adult education”.


The project “MADE in EU” aims to contribute to the goals of the "Europe 2020", promoting inclusive growth and cohesive society, through the exchange of best practices, experiences, methodologies and strategies in adult education, in the framework of technological, economic and migratory change, that are transforming both our society, both the labor market, which requires new skills and constant knowledge updates.

Small ‘vulnerable” groups of adults excluded or de-motivated to take part in lifelong learning (target groups) will be identified as well as training needs of these target groups in terms of key and soft skills (communication skills, digital competence; learning to learn social and civic competences, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression).

The objectives of the “MADE in EU” project are:

  •  to exchange good practices, examine and experiment with methods and strategies in order to develop new effective methods and tools for adult learning;
  •  analyze the causes and contribute to reducing the barriers between those who are included or excluded from education permanently;
  •  to promote the acquisition of skills in adults, with particular attention to groups at risk of social exclusion, as a way to promote the welfare and participation in social and democratic life;
  •  to raise the awareness of local actors in the various countries involved on the need for effective action to adult learning.

 Activities to be implemented:

  1. Analysis of the causes of social exclusion and in local contexts of the partners involved and the role of training / education in adults who are at risk of social exclusion.
  2. Studies on adult education models in the various countries involved and exchange of good practice on adult learning using non-formal methods;
  3. Set up of a group of adult learners and a questionnaire in order to identify their training needs, about the basic and digital skills.
  4. Development and implementation of "training modules" for adult education linked to the key and digital skills (in particular by using the peer to peer approach, the andragogical method, and learning by doing);
  5. Creation of innovative tools that can be used for adult education based on non-formal education methods (website content; Guidelines -booklets and apps).
  6. Dissemination of results and good practices emerged from the project and research on possible connections between formal and non-formal education for adults
More info?




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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.