MICRO will engage at least 200 microentrepreneurs (and entrepreneurs to be) to enhance their competitiveness and nurture their growth. MICRO will generate immediate and tangible impact at local levels reaching out to target groups and relevant stakeholders.
MICRO’s partnership represents highly motivated and experienced 7 partners from 6 countries (Greece, Ireland, Spain, FYROM, Italy, Belgium) each with specific expertise and success stories about microentrepreneurship and bridging the “rural gap”. The partnership combines training/pedagogical accuracy (academic partner and VET providers) with market relevance (microenterprises) and rural penetration. This composition ensures geographical coverage as well as projection of dissemination and valorisation across the EU. Partners have complementary skills and expertise that empowers MICRO to achieving objective through sound and practical deliverables.
Project duration: 24 months
Please find more details at: www.microsmetraining.eu
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site and its contents reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.